Monday, August 9, 2010

Change is in the air

I don't know what it is, but change is definitely in the air. At least 3 families I know who live near us are planning on moving this fall. Several family members are preparing to go away to college for the first time or return to college, a good friend is expecting an exchange student this week and what am I doing? WAITING!!! ;) I have had the strangest dreams all week. I am usually a deep and solid sleeper and now I've had several nights of being very restless. I'm sleeping, I'm just dreaming so actively then having a lot of brief interruptions of wakefulness. It's weird. I know I have to be patient and that it may be months before we actually receive a placement call, but somehow my subconscious does not want to be patient. In a way, the feelings I'm having relate to how I felt when I was near the end of my pregnancy. I knew that labor would start at some point, I just didn't know when the exact moment would be. Its something you have no control over, it just finally happens. I hope things work out well for all my friends and neighbors and I hope that its not too long before I can be in enough of a comfort zone again to be able to sleep normally! :)

1 comment:

  1. The list just keeps getting longer... change continues to be in the air!
