Friday, July 23, 2010

Training Materials

Today I thought I'd share the books and videos we have read/watched as a part of our training process. This is a combined list from both of us.

A Child Called It: A heart-breaking and shocking true story of the abuse of a child. It ultimately speaks to the resilience of the human spirit.

Lost Boy: The second book from the same author of the Child Called It. This is the story of his life as a preteen-adult in the foster care system

Adopting the Hurt Child: This one was really good- it kind of speaks to the "worst case scenario" type of situations, but overall has a lot of useful info and ideas.

Ending Lying, Stealing, and Defiance (DVD) - This was a pretty good video, but I wouldn't say it was the best ever. It is probably a good introduction, but if you've read other parenting books or seen other ideas, then this is probably redundant.

Understanding the Traumatized Child (DVD): This video gives a good overall picture, we got a lot of the same info from the "Adopting the Hurt Child" book, but this video is well done too.

Lifebooks: This was a short corespondance course that I found on-line. It is a down-loadable file and is really well done. It gives concise, concrete info on how to make a Lifebook and what to include. It also comes with free template pages - I didn't find them to be highly useful, but the do inspire some ideas.

Allegation Prevention: This was another corespondance course from the same website as the Lifebook one. It was okay, but not great. I did get a few kernels of really good info and some helpful tips.

Working with Birthparents I: Visitation (DVD): This video had a weird format and kind of a strange presentation, but the info provided was pretty good. It was basic, but decent as far as content goes.

Parenting Someone Else's Child: I liked this book. I skipped some parts that went over some of the same stuff that I'd found in other resources, but I liked the author's perspective. She also offered some concrete advice and ideas for how to set things up and and make things work on a day to day basis. Less theory, more practical.

Currently, I'm reading "Telling the Truth to you Adopted or Foster Child" - I'll let you know how it goes!


  1. This is a great list with useful reviews. You should link it to Amazon- and add an Amazon list. :-)

  2. The bad part is that Amazon would potentially pay me to do something like that, except they are boycotting CO because of our new sales tax law. No fair. Anyways, now I don't want to.
